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A series of intimate documentaries on Spain & Catalunya reflecting 3 years as an expat. Explore festivals, hidden gems the beauty that is Spain.

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My... Pittsburgh

Images and stories from the Steel City

As my adopted home, I had no idea of the beauty and history of Pittsburgh until I moved here and really dug in.

Travel & Opinion

Traveling never seemed like much of a choice for me. When I was younger, it really wasn't.


By 10 years of age my parents had dragged me down to Mexico most winters to escape the cold of Santa Fe, or on some years to Hawaii for the same reason. We had spent a significant amount of time in Europe , including Italy, Greece, Germany, France, Switzerland, England, Holland and Guatemala. I'm not complaining. After all, when I was young I thought that's just what you did. As I got older and continued to travel and after graduating from collage I had made the decision to try and live in a different country, at least for awhile.


From 1990 to 1993 I lived in Barcelona Spain. I never realized how that experience would forever alter the way I think, in both subtle ways and profound.


All of this has led me to be somewhat evangelical when it comes to travel, experiencing different cultures and different world-views. If I had the power to grant every person one thing, it would be to spend at least a year abroad.


The next best thing I can think of is to bring other countries and cultures to us.

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